Well, here goes my first attempt on blogging. I've been meaning to do it for so long but never got around to it, but hey hoe.

At the moment I've been watching a lot of gang related programmes as its the crime season on bbc3. I love topics like this and personally I think it snaps you back into reality and really think about others. mmm.
Growing up, my dad has always encouraged me to look up to Ghandi and funnily enough I found this picture which happens to my current background on my laptop.
He was a good man, starved himself in order to stop segregation and violence.
I'm sure we don't have to go such far measures but I guess there's a reason why he appointed these rules right?
Its very difficult for me as a stubborn person to apply these rules in my life but I'm trying and I hope whoever comes across this will too!
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." -Mahatma Gandhi